Soul BBQ - A Conscious Kickback

SB Ep 47: Shadow Work - Embracing Our Darkness

April 10, 2024 Kelsey & Steven Season 1 Episode 47

We all have parts of ourselves that we keep hidden away, kind of like those dusty old boxes shoved in the back of the attic, untouched for years. But what if I told you that within those shadows lies a goldmine of untapped potential? That's where shadow work comes in, my friends. In this episode of Soul BBQ, we're cracking open the untouched and shedding light on what lies beneath – exhilarating, enlightening, and maybe a little bit scary. We'll uncover what shadow work truly entails, why it's crucial, and shadow integration. 

It's giving.... total eclipse of the heart. 

Let's talk about it!

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