Soul BBQ - A Conscious Kickback

SB Ep 31: The Colorful Impact of Past Lives

April 28, 2022 Kelsey & Steven Season 1 Episode 31

This Soul BBQ episode starts with a simple question, 'What is a soul?’....  but it doesn't stop there.

During this supernova conversation we traverse past life/parallel life impact on various areas of our current experience. In addition to historical information that may very well blow your mind, we share little known details about each of our past life regression sessions. Join us in a mentally stimulating conversation on soul origins, QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), past lives, gender identity, and all the in-between. 

Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, this one's for you!

Let's talk about it!


Mentionable Content (aka Suggested Resources) :

Gender Identity and Past Lives :

The Egg  :

What is a Guided Out of Body Experience? And Why it Works? :

QHHT Official Website :

Doctor Who Watch Guide :

The Wheel of Time :

Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss :

Five Lives Remembered by Dolores Cannon :

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